Eric Barnum


Richard Robbins

Shh... Audiate and Whatnot. Feat. Dr. Jeremiah Cawley

Eric is joined by friend of the cast Dr. Jeremiah Cawley to discuss what in the world musicians (students, teachers, and professionals) can do to continue growing during the silence of isolation.  Many musicians are thrust into awkward living situations where traditional practice regimens are not feasible or even possible.  What types of things can we do or practice instead to make a "musical deposit" towards the future when collaboration may begin again in earnest.  Are there are things that could be done, whether in isolation or normal times?

Some resources mentioned in podcast:
- Edlund, L. (1963). MODUS NOVUS Larobok I Fritonal Melodilasning Lehrbuch in Freitonaler Melodielesung, Studies in Reading Atonal Melodies. AB Nordiska Musikforlaget/Edition Wilhelm Hansen Stockholm.
- Hall, A. C. (2005). Studying rhythm. New Jersey: Pearson Education.
- Hindemith, P. (n.d.). Elementary training for musicians. London: Schott & Co. Ltd .
- Rogers, N., & Ottman, R. W. (2019). Music for sight singing. New York: Pearson.

Collective Memory Decay

Game Time!